SYSTEMology: Done For You

What to expect…

The next few weeks are going to be a fun ride – so welcome aboard! To ensure everyone’s headed in the same direction, we thought it best to give you an ‘itinerary of expectations’ for the start of your optimisation journey.

This expectations document is going to help guide you through what your Website Build consists of; and give you an idea of what kind of results to expect and when to expect them. After commencement, we also send you weekly progress updates.

Please note: your input and cooperation throughout the website build will be vital as to how quickly we can complete it! Now, what’s next?

The timeline

Initial Phase

This is where we ensure we have all the right details and information from you to get things moving! The team can’t begin work until all the items in this phase are completed! This phase includes:

  1. Questionnaire Review – Your Project Manager reviews the information provided from your completed Questionnaire and briefs the team. They will ensure initial setup is complete before moving forward, such as:  Ensure you’ve selected 10 pages for us to create, Dropbox setup, all your content/images have been provided, logins are working, etc., etc.
  1. Clarification – If necessary, your Project Manager will touch base with you to obtain further information or obtain clarification of any items from your questionnaire. Once we have all the information required, the team will move onto Phase 1!

#1 Define

This is the part where we roll up our sleeves, create your initial site, and fill it out with your content! This phase includes:

  1. Research Themes – Based on the information you provided, we’ll research and advise you of the best WordPress Themes. You get to review and choose the one you’d like us to continue to work on and customize. (*only applicable if you haven’t provided us with a theme)
  1. Staging Site – We create a ‘staging site’ for your website where all our work will be done; you’ll be provided with a link to review as we progress with each phase. During this stage, we’ll also populate the website with the content, images and files you provided. 

#2 Assign

This is the part where we roll up our sleeves, create your initial site, and fill it out with your content! This phase includes:

  1. Research Themes – Based on the information you provided, we’ll research and advise you of the best WordPress Themes. You get to review and choose the one you’d like us to continue to work on and customize. (*only applicable if you haven’t provided us with a theme)
  1. Staging Site – We create a ‘staging site’ for your website where all our work will be done; you’ll be provided with a link to review as we progress with each phase. During this stage, we’ll also populate the website with the content, images and files you provided. 

#3 Extract

This is the part where we roll up our sleeves, create your initial site, and fill it out with your content! This phase includes:

  1. Research Themes – Based on the information you provided, we’ll research and advise you of the best WordPress Themes. You get to review and choose the one you’d like us to continue to work on and customize. (*only applicable if you haven’t provided us with a theme)
  1. Staging Site – We create a ‘staging site’ for your website where all our work will be done; you’ll be provided with a link to review as we progress with each phase. During this stage, we’ll also populate the website with the content, images and files you provided. 

#4 & 5 Optimise and Integrate

This is the part where we roll up our sleeves, create your initial site, and fill it out with your content! This phase includes:

  1. Research Themes – Based on the information you provided, we’ll research and advise you of the best WordPress Themes. You get to review and choose the one you’d like us to continue to work on and customize. (*only applicable if you haven’t provided us with a theme)
  1. Staging Site – We create a ‘staging site’ for your website where all our work will be done; you’ll be provided with a link to review as we progress with each phase. During this stage, we’ll also populate the website with the content, images and files you provided. 

#6 Scale

This is the part where we roll up our sleeves, create your initial site, and fill it out with your content! This phase includes:

  1. Research Themes – Based on the information you provided, we’ll research and advise you of the best WordPress Themes. You get to review and choose the one you’d like us to continue to work on and customize. (*only applicable if you haven’t provided us with a theme)
  1. Staging Site – We create a ‘staging site’ for your website where all our work will be done; you’ll be provided with a link to review as we progress with each phase. During this stage, we’ll also populate the website with the content, images and files you provided. 

Still Have a Few Questions?

Although the steps for your project are marked out on the previous pages, you may still have a few questions. Remember you can always chat with your Project Manager, we’ve also answered a few FAQs below.