David Jenyns
David Jenyns


  • Effortlessly scaling from 40 to 150 team members
  • Building a culture that embraces systems and processes
  • Instilling confidence in managing and documenting change


BioOptimizers’ Story

BioOptimizers, a health and supplement company, has experienced remarkable growth. Starting from a modest team size, the introduction of Haley Santos as the Systems Champion catalyzed their trajectory from 40 to about 150 dedicated professionals. Haley, a naturally systematic individual with an inclination toward structured habits, stepped into the Systems Champion role and became pivotal in scaling the business.

The Challenges

Scaling a company always presents obstacles, especially in the arena of health and supplements. According to Haley, the journey began with the CEO acknowledging the necessity of systems after an encounter with SYSTEMology®. The importance of hiring a Systems Champion became clear, not as an evolution of a current employee’s role but as a strategic hire to instill a systems mindset from the outset.

The Solution

Haley’s approach to scaling BioOptimizers started with absorbing SYSTEMology® principles. Identifying areas where systems were lacking by using tools like the Critical Client Flow (CCF) chart ensured the company could sustain growth without collapse. Haley’s role involved identifying single points of failure, ensuring detailed documentation of processes, and guiding the team to embrace the transformative power of systems.

BioOptimizers has not only adopted these practices but has developed a full-fledged Systems Champion team, with Haley spearheading the department. Understanding the nuances of each division within the company has supported BioOptimizers’ scalability, enabling it to thrive, especially in the virtual work environment.

What’s Next?

BioOptimizers has mastered the art of scaling through systems and processes, thanks to the Systems Champion. The company has successfully navigated growth challenges and cultivated a supportive environment where fear of change is overshadowed by the collective goal of continuous improvement.

If your company seeks to scale, you may need a Systems Champion like Haley. Is it time for your supplement business to embrace a new level of organizational health with SYSTEMology®?

To discover how SYSTEMology® can transform your business and help you find your Systems Champion, click here.


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