Tim Reid

Tim Reid

I’d suggest dropping everything to read and apply the learnings from David’s book.
Simon Bowen

Simon Bowen

David has done to the systems of business what Michael Gerber has done to the psychology of business.
Rhamy Alejeal

Rhamy Alejeal

Many books have workflows you can follow, but this one teaches you how to systemise your business without all the stress (and crazy time commitment) most business owners experience when trying to grow.
Peter Carruthers

Peter Carruthers

The strategy and tactics the book details offer a pathway to take command of each crucial facet of any business.
Paul Dunn

Paul Dunn

Oh my Goodness — here’s a book that has everything — yes everything for you to create an amazing business. Pick it up. Do it. Change your business and your life. Simple as that.
Mike Rhodes

Mike Rhodes

SYSTEMology is going to show you why YOU are the worst person to create the systems that you know deep down you need, how to create them with minimal time and how to ensure they actually get used!
Mike O’Hagan

Mike O’Hagan

Dave’s book SYSTEMology is about “how to systemise”. It’s the practical follow on to the E-Myth. He has nailed it – a MUST READ for anyone wanting to grow their business.
Michael E. Gerber

Michael E. Gerber

This book is extraordinary. David is also a systems thinker, a creator of the first order, an entrepreneur who has done what I write about, not once, but several times. Read it. Relish it. But most important, DO it!
Meryl Johnston

Meryl Johnston

I can see this book providing real value to business owners and helping them to work less and be happier.
Kerry Boulton

Kerry Boulton

My unequivocal recommendation is that every entrepreneur and business owner must have this outstanding workbook and implement it!
Jon Ferrara

Jon Ferrara

This book will help you identify the critical systems that are required to scale your business and will guide you through the process of systems creation and implementation.
Joe Fier

Joe Fier

David’s book is perfect for any sized business and skill level. We can all use SYSTEMology to unpack our minds so we don’t become our own bottleneck.
Jack Daly

Jack Daly

SYSTEMology, provides every business owner the recipe to building their business playbook. What Michael Gerber started, David Jenyns completed.
Gino Wickman

Gino Wickman

SYSTEMology is a must for any business owner and their leadership team. It provides a powerful, practical, and simple way for systemising your business.
Dr. Sabrina Starling

Dr. Sabrina Starling

In SYSTEMology, David Jenyns provides a clear, easy to follow system for creating systems in your business. The best part: you will discover that it does not have to be YOU creating the systems.
Dale Beaumont

Dale Beaumont

This book by David Jenyns is the new standard for building systems… If you’re a business owner, I suggest you own it and start reading it today.
Alexi Neocleous

Alexi Neocleous

The pittance you’ll invest in a copy of his book will pay you back hundreds and thousands of times. I highly recommend it.